HVAC - Main parts in order

Different parts of typical AHU

*Mostly all the information presented here are from The Engineering Mindset Youtube Channel.

Supply air, main parts (excluding sensors)

  1. Grille
  2. Damper
  3. Frost protection coil (usually electric coil/heater)
  4. Pre-Filter
  5. Filter
  6. Cooling coil
  7. Heating coil
  8. Humidifier (steam or water mist)
  9. Supply fan (centrifugal or EC type)

Main sensors :
  1. Pressure sensor (Magnelic)
    • Measure pressure before and after the pre-filter and filter
  2. Temperature sensor (Thermistor)
    • Measure temperature before and after coils to adjust heating and cooling load
  3. Humidity sensor
    • Measure humidity to adjust humidifier load
  4. Static pressure sensor
    • Measure static pressure to adjust centrifugal fan speed (when VAD are installed)

1. Grille

Grille prevent animals and waste to enter inside the AHU.

2. Damper

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